

Exhibition of paintings, sculptures, photography, installations, videos. Curated by the Department for Culture of the Municipality of Buja

Buja (Udine), Biblioteca Comunale

23 September - 15 October 2000.

Works exhibited: MODULO BASE (Basic Module), D.N.A.


Exhibition of painting, sculpture, photography, installations, videos. Curated by “Attivaria Officina Culturale”

Latisana (Udine), Centro Polifunzionale

Lignano Sabbiadoro (Udine), Centro Civico

Palazzolo dello Stella (Udine), Casa del Marinaretto

18 December 1999 - 8 January 2000

With the sponsorship of the municipalities of Latisana, Lignano Sabbiadoro, Palazzolo dello Stella, Provincia di Udine.

Sponsored by: Banca Popolare di Cividale

Work exhibited: VENERE 2000 (Venus 2000)


Exhibition of paintings, sculptures, photography, illustrations, comics, installations, videos and musical evenings. Curated by “Attivaria Officina Culturale”

Latisana (Udine), Centro Polifunzionale

31 October - 14 November 1998

With the contribution of the youth association "Agenzia Giovani" of the municipality of Udine

Work exhibited: SCACCHIERA AEREA (Aerial Chessboard)


Attrazioni" (Attractions). Exhibition of paintings, sculptures, installations, performances, videos. Curated by Alessandra Ghirardelli e Fulvia Spizzo

Pordenone, Pordenone Fiere

15 - 18 May 1998

Work exhibited: SCACCHIERA AEREA (Aerial Chessboard)