

"Vecia Padova, l'anima, i colori, le immagini di una città" (Old Padua, the soul, the colours and the images of a city). Exhibition curated by the “Vecia Padova” cultural association

Padova, Scuderie di Palazzo Moroni

21 February - 21 March 2004


Participation in the "Biennale Internazionale del Mosaico Città di Ravenna" contest

Ravenna, Centro Commerciale Esp

6 - 28 April 2002

Work in competition: TEMPO VELOCITA'...O? (Time Speed...Or?)


Participation upon personal invitation to the “Bond’Arte” contest

Bonda di Mezzana Mortigliengo (Biella)

24 June 2001

Works in competition: MODULO BASE (Basic Module), PRESENZE IMPLICITE (Implicit Presences)


Exhibition of paintings, sculptures and graphics "Le Muse in Ghetto", curated by the Cultural Association "Vecia Padova".

Padova, Piazzetta del Ghetto, via San Martino e Solferino, via dei Fabbri, via Soncin

First Sunday of October 2000 - 2009


Exhibition of paintings, sculptures, photography, installations, videos. Curated by the Department for Culture of the Municipality of Buja

Buja (Udine), Biblioteca Comunale

23 September - 15 October 2000.

Works exhibited: MODULO BASE (Basic Module), D.N.A.