Sculpture exhibition by Giancarlo Sabo and Eros Valente
Roma, Ferraioli Palace
9 – 26 February 2011
With the sponsorship of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region
Sponsored by:Testi Fratelli,Aziende Agricole Livon, AssociazionePiccolo Collio
Sculpture exhibition by Giancarlo Sabo and Eros Valente
Roma, Ferraioli Palace
9 – 26 February 2011
With the sponsorship of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region
Sponsored by:Testi Fratelli,Aziende Agricole Livon, AssociazionePiccolo Collio
"Nel segno della croce" - Giovani Artisti della nostra Terra (“In the Sign of the Cross" - Young Artists of our Country), ). Exhibition upon invitation by “LiberArte” association
Brugnera (Pordenone), Villa Varda
29 May – 20 June 2010
With the support of the Presidency of the Regional Council of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Works exhibited: CROCE DA VIAGGIO (Travel Cross), SEGNI (Signs), INTROSPEZIONE (Introspection), INDESIDERATO (Undesired)
Mostra di Scultura e Pittura (Exhibition of paintings and sculptures), by Giancarlo and Stefano Sabo, curated by the Department for Culture of Remanzacco
Remanzacco (Udine), "A. Galliussi" Town Gallery, introduction by art critic Enzo Santese
23 April - 9 May 2010
Sponsored by: Cabel Energy, Vie di Romans, Marina di Sant'Andrea, Infoserver
Supported by: W.F.G Terzago, Lucciole per Lanterne, Giardini Caporale, Sartori Ervino, Mario e Bruno Dizorz
Celebration in honour of St Giovanni Gualberto, event organised by the State Forestry Corps of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Reggello (Florence), Abbazia di Vallombrosa
12 September 2008
Work exhibited: L' UOMO E L'AMBIENTE (Man and the Environment)
Participation in the "L'uomo e la foresta" (Man and Forest) contest curated by the State Forestry Corps of Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Udine, Palazzo Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia
7 June 2008
Work exhibited: L' UOMO E L'AMBIENTE (Man and the Environment)